Instagram LogoThe longer we comply with lies, the more control we lose. ??? If you aren’t willing to listen to experts that are NOT funded by the government, that’s a huge issue. In fact, complacency kills. So, everyone that has rejected science but wants to blame people that don’t wear a mask for the deaths this last year, you are basically Derek Zoolander after he gets programmed to kill Mugatu. There’s world renowned doctors telling us there’s a C U R E for C O V *D. There is data to back it up. Actual proof. Ask yourself why it’s getting censored. Do you really thing our government and pharmaceutical companies have your best interest in mind? Honestly, do you? Johnson and Johnson can’t even make safe baby shampoo. ? it’s a fucking joke. All of this is insanity and it has to stop. The majority feels this way, yet we are BOMBARDED by a different narrative. WHY?! Really ask yourself why. If you do agree with me, but are still afraid to speak out, stop. You’re part of the problem... Worried about your business? Don’t. Rework your avatar. Rework who you serve. Change your company messaging. The big corps do not care about the majorities feelings. They preach on thing and then use slave labor to produce their products. It’s time guys. It’s past time. Unemotionally stand up and laugh. Because you’re done. The messaging is to stay emotionally charged. That’s not doing anyone any good. Take a deep breath, think about all this logically and do what you need to do to prevent all this from being a complete societal and economic disaster. If you want a place to throw around ideas or have reassurance you aren’t alone... we’d love to have you join our group.... #drunkpolitics #podcast #podcasters #freedom #compliance #mandates #thenewriseup #majority #silentmajority