Let's Just Be Real

Apr 13, 2020 4:12 am

Let's just be real.

This is scary.

Let's just be real.

This sucks.

Let's just be real.

We can be scared and still do whatever it takes.

Let's just be real.

We can make this suck less.

Let's just be real.

It still sucks.

Let's just be real.

avatar Corey
What sucks is having a weak leader Let's just be real What sucks is people I love have died Let's just be real Now is the REAL time to make America Great
avatar barry
I love these things they are very uplifting DAVID s dad be well
avatar David
Hi Steven, I appreciate your messages. I’m hoping you and your family stay safe during this storm. Best always, David
avatar Maureen
You said it in a nut shell Dr. Steven! We spoke to Melanie and Dan and the kids today! They are sheltered in except for some fresh air on their own property today. It was good to talk to them and especially the kids! This is something they won’t soon forget. All of our grandchildren are finished with school in person for the year and some are sorry because of extra curricular also being over! Between crew team, track, and Field hockey we have some disappointed kids! Perhaps they will bounce back just fine! Thank you for your encouraging words and I pray we all survive this trail unscathed! Be Safe, Doc!