Instagram LogoHow to structure your plant based meals 🤌 I see it all the time… many plant based practitioners emphasizing low fat, high carb, and “you’ll get plenty of protein without thinking about it” Let’s start with low fat 👇 🌱 The fat you eat is not the fat you wear. Eating in caloric abundance is when you see weight gain 🌱 Weight is also very multi factorial. It’s not just how much/what you eat, but it’s also ➡️stress, obesogenic environmental toxins, gut dysbiosis/leaky gut, clogged detox pathways, over exercising, not moving enough, etc 🌱 You should never dip below 15% of total caloric intake for fats. Healthy fats are important for our sex hormones, energy, etc What about protein? 👇 🔑 Protein from animal products has been shown to be extremely inflammatory, loaded with saturated fats, and more susceptible to environmental toxins because of how much the animals bioaccumulate. 🔑 It’s important to be aware of how much protein you are consuming on a plant based diet (especially if you are more active) because the amino acids are vital for many functions throughout our body 🔑 Ie leucine is important for muscle growth. Methionine, taurine, cysteine and glycine are important for supporting our liver detox pathways 🔑 Amino acids are extremely important in helping repair tissues, even with leaky gut 🤯 Here’s how I structure my plate 👇 🌿 25% plate is protein source 🌿 25% plate is fats + starch source 🌿 50% plate is non starchy veggies (2-3), plus herbs/spices . . DM me for questions and link in bio for a free discovery call!
Instagram Logo“Detox” with a plant based diet 👇 Detoxing is definitely a buzz word that gets thrown around. Most of the time, we are jumping into fasting or juice cleanses without addressing WHY we need to detox in the first place. 🌱 First step 👉 AVOIDANCE. Remove the harm: environmental toxicants, processed foods, saturated fats, stress, etc The link between environmental toxins causing hormonal disruption, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, heart disease, weight issues is there. Many symptoms arise from being exposed to these chemicals daily: brain fog, gut issues, skin issues, fatigue, allergies, headaches… Often times I have clients that have jumped into these “detox” regimens, they feel fine, but then symptoms come back. It’s because we haven’t removed what’s causing the issue in the first place! 🌱 Second step 👉 Add in NUTRIENTS. There are specific nutrients from foods that support our body’s main 6 detox paths. Our body needs the nutrients to aid in detoxing out toxins, not abstaining from them! A plant based diet adds fiber, nutrients, and a more alkaline environment that supports many of our body’s processes. Water fasting is amazing for stimulating autophagy, lengthening our telomeres, and creating new stem cells. I add this into my client’s programs once we have addressed the issue and supported the body through food and lifestyle factors first! It’s amazing how the body will heal when given those nutrients, adding in mindfulness, reducing toxic burden, and creating positive lifestyle changes. . . Link in bio for 1:1 consults. Subscribe to my newsletter and YouTube channel, link in bio!
Instagram LogoWEIGHT LOSS 👇 When I hear people saying “all you have to do is focus on macros and be in a calorie deficit”.. 👎 Sure, those factors are important. But weight loss is not black and white. There are many factors that can contribute to resistant weight loss. Two of the biggest ones I see: stress and obesogenic chemicals. Let’s talk about these chemicals 👇 Environmental toxicants can disrupt our hormonal system, leading to weight gain. These chemicals can affect leptin (telling our brain we are hungrier than we are). Dealing with toxic burden can also affect our metabolism: pthalates and BPA specifically affect this. These chemicals can also disturb the balance of bacteria in our gut, therefore hindering weight regulation. The gut bacteria handles calories from our food, and an unhealthy balance of bacteria can predispose to weight gain and you can absorb more calories. Tips on avoiding some of these chemicals: 1️⃣ Swap out plastic for glass and stainless steel 2️⃣ Water filter 3️⃣ Buy organic food (look at EWG clean 15, dirty 12 list) 4️⃣ Avoid the word “fragrance” and “parfum” in personal care products (as these contain many of the hormone disrupting chemicals). 5️⃣ Plant rich diet to support our body’s detox capabilities, create a more alkaline environment, plus fiber binds to toxins And try to work on meditation or breath work daily! Activating parasympathetic system will support our body’s detox enzymes. . . Free discovery call for consultations, link in bio. Reduce your body’s toxic burden, plant based meal planning, support your body’s detox systems with food and lifestyle factor, fasting. Subscribe to my YouTube and newsletter, link in bio!
Instagram LogoTHIS IS 30 🌱 I’m so excited for this next decade 🤩 I continue to learn more, love more, be more present and just do what feels good to me. Things I learned in my 20s 👇 🌞 Who you attract into your life is in alignment with the vibration you’re sending off to the world. Continue to do the inner work and surround yourself with people who make you feel good 🌞 Saying no is okay!! In fact, it’s important. Listen to your body and if something doesn’t sit right with you or doesn’t feel good, say no. If it’s going to drain your energy, say no. Our body is a temple and is our own to protect. 🌞 Seek help if you need it. We like to think we have all the answers, but we don’t 😄 If I didn’t reach out for my own health journey, I wouldn’t be on the healing path I’m on today. 🌞 Eat, move, and be in ways that feel good to you! Nourishing my body with plants and exercising with yoga/hiking makes me feel my best. 🌞 Be present with those around you, and yourself. We need this. Our society is in constant sympathetic overdrive. Finding time for connection has been so important for me. 🌞 Laughing is the best remedy. I mean, why be so serious all the time?? 😁 🌞 Connection with nature is where true health begins. I’m really grateful for the people in my life who allow me to be myself. I’m also so thankful for all the amazing connections I have made with people who share similar passions and goals 🌱🙏 Im looking forward to this next year 💚 Thank you to all the amazing people in my life, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all of you!!! 😘