The Friday Four—2/19/2021

Feb 19, 2021 6:01 pm

Hi friend!

Here's something for you to...

1) watch.

How to Give Advice


A video I truly needed. I've been trying to work on giving unsolicited advice to others.

2) read.

We Who Are Your Closest Friends


My favorite poem.

And I hate poetry.

3) use.



YouTube but for reading (high-quality articles).

My readers know I started posting weekly, longer-form blogs to Medium (did he just say his writing is high quality?). But it's just a lovely place to read great stuff.

Similar to an algorithm, it curates content to whatever you're interested in. My feed is full of pieces on personal finance and running a business, but you can follow whichever topics and writers you choose.

4) listen to.

Big Bootie Mix


My friend showed me these mixes this week and I've been obsessed.

These guys mashed together basically every song you've ever loved in the past 60 years: The Beatles, Kendrick Lamar, Queen, Green Day, Halsey....

You definitely have to have an appreciation for house and pop music. If you do, throw one of these on while you're cooking or cleaning and jam the fuck out.

Also on Spotify.


Sketch video.

Customer service

We've all had this happen when we're at a restaurant...

Some of my blogs.

What I Learned From Getting COVID

Super valuable lessons I've gathered from getting sick.

It's Always Snowy in Philadelphia

Three short lessons from a last-minute trip to Philly.

Use people's names

On making someone's day.

Why self-help (usually) doesn't work

What I've learned from consuming a TON of self-improvement content.

Do this when you're in a rut

It'll help.


“When we lack control in one domain in our lives, we become motivated to seek it and try to regain it in other parts of our lives.”

-Adam Grant

“What if we stopped celebrating being busy as a measurement of importance? What if instead we celebrated how much time we had spent listening, pondering, meditating, and enjoying time with the most important people in our lives?”

-Greg McKeown

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”

-Zig Ziglar

As always, reach out to me on Twitter @DillanRoy if you have any questions or feedback.

Thank you so much for the support, friends! If you enjoyed this newsletter, I encourage you to forward it or invite your friends to subscribe. I hope you all are happy and healthy 😎

Much love.

Dill 💙
