In case you missed it! The Friday Four—11/19/2021

Nov 22, 2021 6:01 pm

Hi friend!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Here's something for you to...

1) watch.

Elon Musk's Roommate


A funny example of our tendency to compare ourselves to others.

2) read.

scuba, panic, empathy


The latest little blog post from one of my favorite writers, Derek Sivers.

3) use.

The CREATE Program


We've built a community of folks—9-5ers, coaches, entrepreneurs, athletes, and moms!

Together, we inspire and hold each other accountable to accomplish our goals.

It's fun as hell and our door is open to anyone who wants to do more in their life. Reach out to me to learn more. 😇

4) listen to.



The autumn song I'm revisiting. By Joji.

Some of my blogs.

THINGS I'm grateful for

From yesterday's conversation in the CREATE Program.

Day of disgust

How this weekend shifted my relationship with alcohol moving forward.

You are not your past

On creating fixed identities.

Want to buy me a coffee?

If you've ever gotten any value from my blogs or this newsletter, feel free to buy me a coffee!

HUGE shoutout to Matt Shin for the $50 donation. 💙

I'm writing a book.

Click here to learn more and/or to buy your pre-sale copy.

My playlists

• A collection of my favorite YouTube videos.

Music for deep work, studying, or reading.

• My shitty taste in music.


“Comparison is the deadliest thing we can do to ourselves…because we will always come up short. All it does is exaggerate all of our insecurities.”

-Simon Sinek

“If you help others, you will be helped. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a hundred years, but you will be helped. Nature must pay off the debt.”


“I don't know the physics of getting bitch slapped by a leaf.”

-Dave Eck

Thank you so much for the support, friends! If you enjoyed this newsletter, I encourage you to forward it or invite your friends to subscribe. I hope you all are happy and healthy. 😎

Much love.

Dill 💙
