The Friday Four—5/28/2021

May 28, 2021 4:01 pm

Hi friend!

Here's something for you to...

1) watch.

What Makes People Successful?


A lovely review of the book The Unfair Advantage: How You Already Have What It Takes to Succeed.

In the book, Ash Ali argues that success is the combination of fair play and a series of unfair advantages—things like location, parents, and other biological factors.

2) read.

Dear Sugar


A friend recently gifted me Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed (author of Wild).

It consists of incredible Dear Sugar columns. Each one has either made me laugh out loud or tear up.

3) use.

Athletic Greens


I've been drinking this supplement shake every morning for a year.

It's just a plethora of vitamins and nutrients our bodies naturally lack. It tastes great and is a lovely way to start the day.

4) listen to.

fuck this


My favorite Bill Burr rant.

It's short, hilarious, and wildly insightful.


Some of my blogs.

The story in all of us

On the shit we make up in our heads to keep us from taking action.

Think again

On the power of changing our minds.

Cliches are true?

Lol what a cliche.

The battle between emotion and logic

Who will win?

We're all different, we're all the same

My favorite realization I've ever had.


“The meaning of life is finding the most pleasant things to waste your time with.”

-Quincy Corbin

“Changing your mind doesn’t make you a flip flopper, it shows you’re open to learning.”

-Adam Grant

“Even the devil appreciates being listened to.”

-Betty Scarlet

Thank you so much for the support, friends! If you enjoyed this newsletter, I encourage you to forward it or invite your friends to subscribe. I hope you all are happy and healthy 😎

Much love.

Dill 💙
