The Friday Four—9/3/2021
Sep 03, 2021 4:01 pm
Hi friend!
Here's something for you to...
1) watch.
How to lose all your friends in life
For anyone who has too many friends or whose social life is too healthy.
2) read.
A coaching paradox
A short and lovely blog on why people are hesitant to invest in a coach.
3) use.
Desktop Clock Live
The widget I've been enjoying (for Mac). It's been helping me not look at the corner of my monitor to see the time when I'm on a Zoom call.
4) listen to.
Ally's Song
One of my favorite scenes from Lil Dicky's show Dave.
I highly recommend watching it.
Some of my blogs.
Actually do stuff
How to do things, instead of just thinking about doing things.
Why is this so hard?
On my bout with sleep deprivation this weekend.
Running group calls
What I've learned from hosting group Zoom calls this year.
Initial thoughts
On a cool exercise I did this week with a coaching friend.
I'm writing a book!
Click here to learn more and/or to buy your pre-sale copy.
"Don’t feel qualified? Nobody does. You can only be qualified to do that which you have already accomplished or trained for. Anything new is accomplished by unqualified people."
-James Clear
"If I had my life to live over again, I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I’d relax. I’d limber up. I’d be sillier than I’ve been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances, I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would, perhaps, have more actual troubles but fewer imaginary ones.”
-Nadine Stair
“I don’t know they’re there until I touch them…and then I know.”
-Reba Day
Thank you so much for the support, friends! If you enjoyed this newsletter, I encourage you to forward it or invite your friends to subscribe. I hope you all are happy and healthy. 😎
Much love.
Dill 💙