dill's blogJuly Q&A 1) “What’s a question you wish someone would ask you?” With all the time I spend being curious about other people, it’s so refreshing to have anyone ask me questions about myself and what I’m working on. I run a life coaching...
dill's blogThe simple rule that helps me get work done I tend to work on a ton of things at one time. Studying chess. Building a coaching business. Writing a book. Running this blog. Launching a new YouTube channel and podcast soon (more on that late...
dill's blogI’ve quit nearly everything I’ve started—Here’s why I’ve tried my hand at many creative endeavors. I gave up on all of them except for this blog. Here’s the timeline. 2010, high school: a punk rock band with my friends.2015, summer: standu...
dill's blogBeing ghosted by my best friend—What I learned A few years ago, one of my best friends—the guy I thought would be my best man—cut me out of his life entirely. He stopped returning my texts and calls and never responded when I told him I wa...
dill's blogThe 2 options for learning something Last week, I took my friend to her first jiujitsu class. She’s athletic and open-minded so I thought I’d show her the misery I put myself through on weeknights. While she enjoyed it, she said it was…a l...
dill's blog5 things I’d tell my 18-year-old self My 10-year high school reunion is tonight. I’m thrilled. I can’t believe it’s already been a decade. I remember wearing the tye die tank top in the photo above, walking through the neighborhood near ou...
dill's blogI sold out and got a Patreon (Here’s a short and fun video on the term “sellout.”) What I’ve done I don’t actually think I’ve sold out. But I’ve just done something I thought I’d never do: I created a Patreon. For those who don’t know, Pat...
dill's blogAbout New York… My friends and readers of this blog know that I’ve been preparing to move to Brooklyn later this year. Mostly because I won’t shut up about it. I did a two-week trial run in the city to see if I would actually enjoy the hus...
dill's blogHow to send a cold email to someone you respect I’m writing a book on creating. Over the past six months, I’ve been interviewing creators and entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes. Many of my friends have asked me how I got into contact wi...
dill's blogA simple trick for learning things faster I’ve been keeping a ‘Get Better’ list ever since I read Ultralearning by Scott H. Young. While it’s wildly effective to hone in on our strengths, it’s good to balance that out by improving our weak...