My Training Routine to be cycling lean and faster.

Sep 13, 2023 7:31 am


My weekly routine to be lean and cycling faster.

The key to any change is consistency. By being consistent over months, not weeks, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

This has been my weekly schedule that got me leaner and cycling faster.

Training Schedule

Monday - recovery spin 1 hour

Tuesday - Threshold session 1 hour/weights session during the winter

Wednesday- zone 2 session 1 hour

Thursday- zone 2 sessions 1 hour/weights session

Friday - rest or easy zone 2 1 hour

Saturday- Group Ride 3-5 hours zone 2 with some efforts

Sunday - active rest - 2 - 4 hour walk.

My weekly schedule is based on reducing how much load and fatigue I put through my body.

I am focused on being able to consistently train week in, and week out.

The reasons.

For my long-term health and mental well-being.

Rather than having hard blocks of training that require more rest and recovery, I am making sure that I get adequate rest and recovery each week so I don’t fall into overtraining. This has happened before and resulted in a full week off.

This week is just a snippet and throughout the year there will be less or more depending on the time of year and goals I have in place.

But, overall, if I was going to provide any takeaway from this it would be less is more.

Being able to turn up each week and see steady progress in your fitness is the goal rather than any quick fix.

If you would like further help with this and would like to learn more about how you can structure and regular training schedule to cycle faster and recover quicker then I am working on a “Cycle Lean Programme” that will solve this alongside personalised nutrition and support.

If you are keen to get on the waiting list hear about it first, Reply with the word “LEAN” and I will make sure you are on it.

