The Weight Loss Conundrum

Apr 05, 2024 7:31 am


If you miss my weekly link to each week's newsletter over on my website, today I The Weight Loss Conundrum. Why daily cycling might not be enough.

So despite getting the miles in each week, your weight still hasn't shifted.

If you have 2 minutes to read why then take a look here.

Plus, if you haven't register to get my newsletter sent directly to your inbox each Friday. Click subscribe on my website to register.

On the plus side, the weather is looking pretty decent for tomorrow. So I am hoping to be out to in shorts for the first time enjoying some miles on my summer bike.

Hope you manage to enjoy some weekend riding too.

Till next week


Damerell Coaching

P.S. Our private Facebook Group is now open. If you want to learn more about it, click here.
