New Training Insights

Jun 25, 2024 8:40 am


Maybe you've caught some of the results I've shared from testing GCN's new training strategy. 

This new approach is a total game-changer...

It’s now so much easier to achieve:

More power on the bike.

Faster watts.

Better performance.

And now that I’ve thoroughly tested the new strategy, I’m ready to share all the details with you...

(So you can improve your training and boost your watts too!)


Comment here if you want me to share everything we discovered...

Including which aspects of GCN’s training strategy have changed...

AND specifically what you need to do in your training to take full advantage (for faster watts and better performance).

I’m compiling the final results right now — and will share them in a day or two with everyone who comments here.

Excited to share with you,

