Improve your VO2 Max

May 31, 2024 8:01 am


Happy Friday.

The hangover after Ride London hit me this week with me picking up a little cold.

It has been something I have been expecting with a few signs leading up to Ride London, so it wasn't a surprise.

So this week I have been prioritising my sleep (as always) and taking a rest from exercise.

Apart from an easy weight session yesterday and a light 30-minute spin this morning, a weekend off the bike is in store to help me fully recover.

So I hope you have a nice weekend on the bike and make the most of any nice weather that is forecast for you.

If you are out cycling and are looking to improve your VO2 max, then in this week's newsletter I discuss some effective tips for you to do so.

Check out this week's newsletter here and don't forget to subscribe if you want it sent directly to your inbox every Friday.

You can also find all my previous newsletters here.

Until next week, have a lovely weekend!

