The Agony and Ecstasy of Smashing Your FTP – A Grit-Fueled Journey

Feb 14, 2024 8:30 am


Imagine the clock's relentless ticking, the burn in your quads, the fire in your lungs. That was me, yesterday. Engulfed in the pain and promise of an FTP test that would redefine my limits.

It all started in my pain cave, the glow of the morning barely peeking through. My turbo trainer was the stage, my bike the trusty steed.

The goal? Simple, yet monumental – to nail my FTP test and chart the course of my cycling year.

I kicked off with gusto, those first five minutes were poetry in motion, a symphony of power and speed. I was Hercules on wheels, unstoppable, a force of nature. But soon, reality bit back hard. The initial rush waned, and what followed was nothing short of a battle between will and waning energy.

Minute six morphed into a siren call to surrender. By minute ten, every sinew screamed for reprieve. I was no longer just riding; I was waging war with the very essence of my being. The final stretch was a blur – time stretched, and pain became my world.

As the timer hit the 20-minute mark, I was a concoction of agony and triumph. I had pushed through the inferno, my legs leaden but my spirit ablaze. The number on the screen? A testament to the suffering, a badge of honour, my new FTP score. It wasn't just a number; it was a declaration of my commitment, a promise of the growth to come.

Now, here's the kicker, the golden nugget, the lesson in this tale of torment – never, ever give up. When the ride gets brutal, when your lungs are on fire, and your muscles plead for mercy, that's the moment of truth. It's the crucible where champions are forged and goals are grasped.

The rewards for such endurance are colossal. On the other side of that suffering lies progress, pride, and untapped potential. You'll emerge stronger, faster, a rider reborn. And the beauty of it all? This transformation isn't reserved for the chosen few; it's there for you, too.

That's where Cycle Lean comes in. Our community is a collective of tenacious souls, just like you, who refuse to bow to the tempest of fatigue. We're about personalized training, actionable advice, and real results. We embrace the grind, knowing that it's the currency of our aspirations.

Join us, and you'll learn to temper your efforts, to ride not just hard, but smart. You'll discover that your true potential is unlocked not by mere chance, but by structured planning, strategic recovery, and a mindset of steel.

It's time. Time to leave behind half-hearted resolutions and embrace the path of progress. Time for your own Herculean ride. Join the Cycle Lean community today, and let's chase down those goals, together.

Every pedal stroke, every bead of sweat, every aching muscle will lead you to a version of yourself you've only dreamed of. Are you ready for the transformation?

Ride on with resilience,

Neil Damerell Msc

P.S. Remember the FTP test, the agony and the ecstasy? That's just the beginning. Join Cycle Lean, and let's turn your pain into progress.

Click here to embark on your journey.

P.P.S. Look out for an up-and-coming YouTube video documenting my experience and the up-and-coming Project 300.


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster. Grab it now for just £97

2. Our Group Cycle Lean Project: Get ready to transform your fitness journey with our membership program. Get started for just £97 per month.

3. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Get the results you are aiming for or we will our one-to-one service. Explore our tailored coaching options designed to help you reach your goals fast. Book a call to discover the perfect coaching plan for you.
