How to stop being dropped!

Aug 16, 2023 7:30 am


For years I kept being dropped during my weekend rides.

But as soon as discovered these simple solutions

My cycling was never the same again.

As an amateur cyclist, I always felt that my weekend rides were enough. Enough to enjoy the sport and keep me relatively fit.

But, it wasn’t until I joined my first cycling club that I had a rude awakening.

With a significant shift in riding pace that I had not been used to (solo riding), I was soon off the back, holding up the group and barely making it home in one piece.

After weeks of the same, I questioned why I wasn’t improving when I had been out every weekend.

And that was the answer, I was a weekend warrior.

Riding hard at the weekend and expect this to magically make up for the 6 days of no cycling previously.

It made sense, you don’t turn up for work once a week and expect to progress.

So the same has to be said when it comes to your cycling performance.

While it might be challenging to cycle 5 days a week if you have a job, family and other comments, these simple tips I applied so being dropped could be a thing of the past.

Add in two one-hour rides in the week. One as a recovery ride and the other as a threshold session.

These two sessions will increase the amount of time your cycle plus the threshold session will help to improve your FTP. Meaning you will be able to cycle for longer at a more demanding pace.

If you can commute on your bike a couple of days a week then this is also a great way to spend more time cycling.

Keep the pace light and don’t start racing your fellow commuter to keep your legs fresh for the weekends.

Make one of your rest days the day before your group ride. Put your feet up, fuel and hydrate and get an early night.

Prepare yourself like it is a race day and this will allow your body to be in the best shape possible to maximise your efforts on your group ride.

These are the simple tasks I schedule for my clients to help them cycle faster and recover quicker.

There is no need to cycle anymore unless you are a professional cyclist, we all have a life to live too.

So by scheduling quality workouts with adequate recovery, you won’t only stop being dropped on your weekend rides, but it will also act as your tempo ride to make you even faster.

So if you are fed up with being dropped and want a training programme that can make you faster and stronger while being balanced around your busy life.

I have a few coaching options available to my clients that help them achieve just this.

They are all tailored to the individual and before we schedule any training, I sit down with all my clients and discuss their work, family and life commitments so we can build a programme around what suits them.

No copy and paste programme here.

Each coaching option supports all our clients on a 1-2-1 basis with a different degree of contact time so we can continue to review and update their programmes to see the consistent results we aim for.

If this might be something you would be keen to learn more about then

If that's you, reply with the word COACHING

I'll send you all the info about how it works, what it costs, etc.



P.S. It's not cheap, but if you're even the slightest bit interested, shoot me an email if you want the info.
