My diet routine to be cycling lean.

Sep 06, 2023 7:31 am


My weekly routine to being lean and cycling faster.

The key to any change is consistency. By being consistent over months, not weeks, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

This has been my weekly schedule that got me leaner and cycling faster.

Diet schedule!

Breakfast- biggest meal of the day - porridge (check out my stories for a taste)

Lunch - vegetables, salad with some protein (oily fish etc.)

Dinner - a light meal like soap or some grains with vegetables.

Snacks- one or two pieces of dark chocolate or a protein bar.

I stop eating around 6-7 pm. Fast for 12 hours or more. Sometimes if I’m not hungry I don’t have an evening meal.

Breakfast is after my morning workouts apart from my weekend rides.

Plus, I drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day.

Finally, I also don’t drink alcohol.

Finally, I consume nearly 250 grams of carbs during my weekend group rides. This helps me fuel well so I can train at my best and not bonk. Plus, this reduces the likelihood of me big eating when I get home pst ride.

So, if you’re looking to get leaner to cycle faster, here are some ideas to try but obviously not personalised.

Remember, you are in control of your nutrition strategy. Be patient and persistent in your experiments. Learn from as many people as you can and find what works best for you.

But, if you would like further help with this and would like to learn more about how you can fuel well while riding then we can help to support you one to one through our coaching programme.

All are tailored to the individual and before we schedule anything, I sit down with all my clients and discuss their work, family and life commitments so we can build a nutrition programme around what suits them.

Each coaching option supports all our clients on a 1-2-1 basis with a different degree of contact time so we can continue to review and update their programmes to see the consistent results we aim for.

If this might be something you would be keen to learn more about then

If that's you, reply with the word COACHING

I'll send you all the info about how it works, what it costs, etc.

