Getting Older As A Cyclist

May 30, 2024 7:30 am


As I've gotten older, I've had to deal with some challenges that come with age, especially when it comes to cycling.





On those crisp mornings, I'd hop on my bike, eager to tackle the open road. But as time passed, I noticed a subtle shift – the aches and pains that once faded into the background now lingered, a constant reminder of the toll our beloved sport can take on the body.

It was then that I realized the need to adapt, to seek out new strategies to fortify my body against the rigours of cycling. And so began my journey into the realm of off-bike exercises, a realm where strength, stability, and mobility reign supreme.

Ah, but where to begin?

The answer, my friends, lay in the humble plank. Deceptively simple, yet remarkably effective, this exercise became my ally in building a rock-solid core.

With each second spent in that unwavering position, I could feel my abdominal muscles, lower back, and shoulders growing stronger, laying the foundation for better posture and balance on the bike.

But even after doing those powerful exercises, I realized that dynamic stretching was crucial for taking my cycling to the next level. Like a dancer preparing for a performance, I would move through a series of leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists, priming my muscles for the demands of the ride ahead. With each stretch, I could feel my body becoming more supple, more resilient, less susceptible to the injuries that so often plague our sport.

And thus, my fellow riders, I stand before you today, a testament to the power of off-bike exercises. As I have aged, the importance of maintaining my physical health and preventing injury has become increasingly crucial, especially if you are a cyclist like myself.

Here are three off-bike exercises that can help you stay strong, stable, and mobile:

  • Strengthen with Planks: Engage your entire body and build a rock-solid core to improve posture and balance on the bike.

  • Boost Stability with Lunges: Target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, the primary muscles used in cycling, to enhance your stability and range of motion.

  • Enhance Mobility with Dynamic Stretching: Prime your muscles for the demands of the ride and reduce the risk of injury through a dynamic stretching routine.

But why stop there, my friends? Why settle for mere glimpses of these transformative exercises when you could immerse yourself in a world of cycling excellence?

Join my group membership programme, where a community of like-minded riders awaits, ready to guide you on a journey of physical empowerment and cycling mastery.

Together, we will explore the depths of off-bike training, unlocking the secrets to longevity and peak performance on the bike. No longer will age be a barrier, but rather a catalyst for growth, a reminder that the road ahead is paved with endless possibilities.

So, what say you, fellow riders? Are you ready to embrace the power of off-bike exercises and elevate your cycling experience to new heights?

Join us, and let us embark on this journey together, pedalling towards a future where strength, stability, and mobility reign supreme.


The Cycle Lean Group Membership
