How I learned to become a better cyclist

Sep 19, 2023 7:31 am


How I learned to become a better cyclist come spring each year but changing this one thing...

When I first started cycling, I would only start to begin to get out on my bike as the spring approached. 

The days were getting longer and the temperature was much warmer. Perfect for cycling. 

But, with a half Ironman triathlon in early June. Starting in April gave me very little time to train and train well. 

So, come the Ironman, to say I suffered my way around it and relied on my running ability to get me through. 

So when I signed up for Ride Across Britain in 2010, armed with a training plan from the organisers. I knew I had to start cycling much earlier than April if I was going to survive cycling 100 miles a day for 10 days come June. 

As a result, I spent a couple hours each week on a stationary bike in the gym, not as comfortable as today's turbo trainers for sure. 

Plus, I remember getting off my bike to walk up a hill that was iced over and my bike was sliding around trying to get some traction in order to get in some winter miles. 

But, come June and the start of Ride Across Britain, I started the first of my 100 miles a day feeling quietly confident that I would be able to complete such a challenge. 

This confidence grew day after day and I finally made it to Lands End. One of my finest achievements on a bike to this day. 

But, this would have not been possible if I had waited till the weather was nice to start riding. 

And now, my winter training is even more important than how much I get to ride in the summer. 

Because I know that by building my fitness during the toughest months. 

When going to the gym at 5 a.m. in the freezing cold to sit on the Watt bike for an hour. 

Or when I cannot feel my hands and feet after a 3-hour ride outdoors. 

We make my spring and summer riding all the more pleasurable. 

So, you have a choice. 

Suffer now and enjoy the rewards. 

Or suffer later and wish you had started sooner! 

If you would like further help with this and would like to learn more about how you can structure a winter training schedule to cycle faster and recover quicker then I am working on a “Cycle Lean Programme” (COMING SOON) that will solve this alongside personalised nutrition and support.

If you are keen to get on the waiting list hear about it first. DM “LEAN” and I will make sure you are on it.

