Access to My Weekly Blog

Aug 23, 2023 7:31 am


Every Friday each week I release a regular blog and accompanying podcast.

It covers all topics about cycling faster and recovering quicker plus, my own personal lessons and experiences I want to share with you.

As a loyal subscriber to email, I wanted to ask if receiving a copy directly to your inbox each Friday would be something you would be interested in.

My weekly blog will be replacing my regular Friday email I send out in order to manage my time better. As I already write it each week, then allowing you to have access to it just seems sensible.

Some of you might already subscribe to my weekly blog but if you have not yet done so and would like access.

Just reply "ACCESS" to this email and I will do all the hard work for you and subscribe you to my weekly blog.

If not, I don't take it personally. Plus you can access my weekly blog plus past editions for FREE on my website.

Just head to to see for yourself.

Finally, you can also follow us on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok if you want to keep up to date with all that is going on in the world of Damerell Coaching!

Have a great day!

Neil Damerell
