Tired of endless cycling

Mar 28, 2024 9:28 am


Have you ever found yourself feeling fatigued after endless hours of training on the bike, wondering whether there's a more efficient way to gain strength?

Well, there is. And it doesn't involve spending your entire day pedalling away.

Let me tell you a bit about my journey...

I used to be like you, pouring hours into grueling, marathon cycling sessions. The problem? I wasn’t getting the results I was after. I wasn't getting stronger. I was just getting more tired.

That's when I realised something crucial: I was focusing too much on the quantity of training and not enough on the quality.

And this, my fellow cyclists, is the key to gaining strength without spending endless hours on the bike.

👉 Tip 1: Focus on Threshold Workouts

Instead of spending hours aimlessly cycling, concentrate on hard zone 4/5 workouts. These are intense, but time-efficient - you can complete a solid workout in just 30 minutes.

Not only do these workouts improve your lactate threshold, VO2 levels, and FTP, but they also have an afterburn effect. This means you continue to burn calories long after you've hopped off the bike.

👉 Tip 2: Incorporate Compound Weightlifting Exercises

Twice a week, swap your bike for some weights and focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

These exercises involve multiple joints and muscles, stimulating large muscle groups and leading to increased strength and muscle growth. It’s not about lifting heavy, it’s about lifting smart!

👉 Tip 3: Optimize Protein Intake

Protein is the building block of muscles and is essential for repair and recovery after a workout. Don’t just rely on a post-workout protein shake; spread your protein intake throughout the day for optimal results.

In the end, it’s not about spending more time training, it’s about spending your time training more effectively.

Now, if you're reading this and thinking, "Great, but how do I incorporate this into my training regime?" Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.

Join our new Cycle Lean Private Group and let us do the hard work for you.

We'll provide you with weekly masterclasses to help you cycle leaner and climb faster.

And it's not just about training - with our community forum we will also support your nutrition and mindset habits for a comprehensive approach to a healthier lifestyle, on and off the bike.

No more aimless miles on the bike. No more endless hours at the gym. Just focused, quality training that yields results.

Plus, join before 1st April and get the first month for FREE.

Find out more here and click to request to join below

Click the link below to find out more!

Keep pedalling,


Damerell Coaching
