The Unlikely Hiker -

Mar 26, 2024 8:30 am


I want to share a story with you - a tale of transformation, perseverance, and a love that’s grown not just between two souls but with the great outdoors.

I used to think I knew what endurance meant. Give me a pair of running shoes and a 10-mile stretch, and I'll show you what stamina looks like. Or so I thought.

Enter my partner, an avid hiker with a spirit as wild as the windswept hills we now frequently roam. On our first getaway as a couple, we planned a day of hiking. "Piece of cake," I mused, lacing up my boots with the overconfidence of a seasoned runner.

What a wake-up call that was.

After just 10 miles of undulating terrain, with a backpack that seemed to grow heavier with each step, my legs were begging for mercy. Running, it turns out, had not prepared me for the relentless ascent or the tricky descent that hiking demanded.

As I slumped onto the cosy Airbnb couch that evening, every muscle in my body was staging a protest.

But here's the kicker: despite the aches, I was hooked. The serenity amidst the trees, the panoramic views, the symphony of nature – it was an exhilarating change of pace from the blur of my running routes.

Fast forward three years, and I'm a different creature. Hiking isn't just something I do; it's a part of who I am. My partner and I, we've conquered countless trails, our feet have grown accustomed to the long, steady marches, and our pace – let's just say we leave the snails in our dust.

The secret? Consistency.

Your body is an incredible machine; it adapts, it overcomes, but only if you push through the initial barrier. The first step, the first mile, the first challenge – it's all about not giving up.

Now, as we plan our weekend hikes, tracing fingers over maps of the UK's lush countryside, I realize I've learned a valuable lesson: persistence pays off. It doesn't just apply to hiking; it's a mantra for life.

Hiking has become my active recovery post-cycling, my meditation in motion, and my testament to the body's remarkable ability to evolve. It's low-impact, high-reward, and an investment in long-term health and vitality.

So, how about it? Are you ready to step up your endurance game, not just on the bike but beyond? To find that sweet spot where challenge meets change?

If you're nodding along, I've got something for you. Join our Cycle Lean Private Facebook Group – a community where we share more than just cycling tips. We talk about cross-training, active recovery, and yes, the joys of hiking.

It's a space for those who understand that to ride hard, you need to recover smart. We exchange trails, tales, and training hacks. We're not just cyclists; we're all-round endurance enthusiasts.

Hop in, and let's expand our horizons together. Because the more you push, the more you persist, the more you'll discover what you're truly capable of.

Click here to become part of our journey – let's chase those horizons together.

Keep adventuring,


P.S. - Don't let your first challenge be your last. Every trail, every ride, every hike is a step towards a stronger, healthier you. See you in the group!

P.P.S - The group opens on the 1st of April. Join before then to get the first month for FREE.
