Break Your FTP Plateau

Apr 03, 2024 9:46 am


Do you ever feel like you're pedalling your heart out, but your FTP is stuck in a frustrating plateau?

Functional Threshold Power isn't just a measure of brute strength, it's an intricate dance of aerobic efficiency, muscular endurance and a hefty dose of mental grit. If you're fixated on cranking out watts while neglecting these other components, you might find yourself stagnating.

I remember when I first started cycling here in the UK. I was diligent, determined and driven. Yet no matter how much I pedalled, my FTP refused to budge an inch. It was maddening.

Then, I stumbled upon the reason: lack of specificity in my training. I was cruising along scenic routes and leisurely rides, but my body wasn't getting the stimulus it needed to adapt and improve. FTP gains need targeted efforts. They don’t just materialise out of thin air.

One of the first steps towards FTP improvement is getting a structured plan that zeroes in on your FTP.

Look for a plan that incorporates a variety of interval workouts, tempo rides, and sweet spot efforts. This blend keeps your body on its toes and targets different energy systems.

Then it's a case of consistency. One or two sessions each week should yield noticeable improvements over 6-12 weeks. But remember, your body also needs time to rest and recover.

Planned recovery rides around your weekend group rides can keep you fresh and ready to hit those power numbers during your high-intensity workouts.

The Cycle Lean method is not just about training hard, it’s about training smart. Understanding when to push hard and when to ease off is key.

Our clients may not have the luxury to spend 10-plus hours a week cycling, but by improving the quality of their ride time, they've seen significant improvements in their FTP.

So, here's my invitation for you.

Join the Cycle Lean private Facebook group.

It's our new community of cyclists like you, all seeking to push past their plateaus and reach new cycling heights.

You’ll gain access to weekly masterclasses, expert advice, and the support of a passionate community.

Isn't it time you stopped spinning your wheels and started making real progress?

