Instagram LogoCOVID19 uncertainty can freeze you in your tracks. So many delayed goals, layoffs, spending down your savings, and other horrible financial challenges can lead to a terrible feeling of stuck. How can NLP help to break through the paralysis of analysis to help you make better decisions? How did we develop Analysis Paralysis? We learned along the way how to fear ‘excitement’. Any unfamiliar activity produces a flood of adrenaline in our bodies and clouds our rational thinking. Now originally, the ‘fight or flight’ response would have produced a physical action, but now, because there is no physical threat, we engage in more and more irrational thinking, which produces more and more adrenaline…and so the spiral keeps building. Eventually, we adults learn to fear excitement because of the adrenaline it produces. When we were six years old the build-up to going on holiday or to a party evoked shakiness, dry mouth, a need to visit the toilet, and a churning tummy. And we called the sensations 'excitement'. By our twenties we are labeling these sensations “anxiety” so we linger and analyze them. And the more we analyze the sensations the stronger we make them until they become so unpleasant that we decide to avoid the activity. Now the activity becomes a new 'no-go' area for us. With passing years more and more no-go areas develop. Our lives are shrinking by the year. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #millionairemotivation #petitejoys #selficonfidencecoach #nomoredebt #investmentstrategies #listyourhome
Instagram LogoCOVID19 uncertainty can freeze you in your tracks. So many delayed goals, layoffs, spending down your savings, and other horrible financial challenges can lead to a terrible feeling of stuck. How can NLP help to break through the paralysis of analysis to help you make better decisions? How did we develop Analysis Paralysis? We learned along the way how to fear ‘excitement’. Any unfamiliar activity produces a flood of adrenaline in our bodies and clouds our rational thinking. Now originally, the ‘fight or flight’ response would have produced a physical action, but now, because there is no physical threat, we engage in more and more irrational thinking, which produces more and more adrenaline…and so the spiral keeps building. Eventually, we adults learn to fear excitement because of the adrenaline it produces. When we were six years old the build-up to going on holiday or to a party evoked shakiness, dry mouth, a need to visit the toilet, and a churning tummy. And we called the sensations 'excitement'. By our twenties we are labeling these sensations “anxiety” so we linger and analyze them. And the more we analyze the sensations the stronger we make them until they become so unpleasant that we decide to avoid the activity. Now the activity becomes a new 'no-go' area for us. With passing years more and more no-go areas develop. Our lives are shrinking by the year. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #millionairemotivation #petitejoys #selficonfidencecoach #nomoredebt #investmentstrategies #listyourhome