Instagram LogoWhat are your blocks to Financial Success? Take control of Negative Nancy There is a voice in our head that tells us that we cannot make it. We cannot have the money we want. We cannot have the success we dream of. How can we get control of Negative Nancy and tell her to shut up. We speak to Elizabeth Terry and from the perspective of NLP, we want to learn to get control of the voices in our head. Many of us find ourselves thinking things through and talking ourselves into a bit of a state at times. Do may mull things over, weigh up options, talk yourself into something, then talk yourself back out. Maybe you look in the mirror and the chatter starts, maybe after a stressful day at work, or at a time when you are making a decision. You may notice that inner voice, or you may not, and just wonder why your mood has changed! Especially when you are going through a dilemma, you may notice increased unhelpful internal chatter. Phrases such as ‘don’t be stupid you can’t do that’ or ‘WTF did you do that for?!’ or ‘I really don’t know what to do for the best…’ pop into our heads. Maybe you’ve had some of the negatives stuff on auto-reply too … negative internal chatter can be soooooo exhausting. Our mind is a wonderful thing – it can do so much for us (run our body, control our hormones, take charge of our breathing, our heart beat, and a ton more unconsciously, as well as giving us the power of thought and reason) We still only know a small amount of what the mind does. But we do know is that if you can change the way you communicate with yourself, you can start to quieten the inner critic. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #moneyminded #insearchofjoy #selficonfidencejourney #buildwealth #financialgrowth #homesellingtips
Instagram LogoWhat are your blocks to Financial Success? Take control of Negative Nancy There is a voice in our head that tells us that we cannot make it. We cannot have the money we want. We cannot have the success we dream of. How can we get control of Negative Nancy and tell her to shut up. We speak to Elizabeth Terry and from the perspective of NLP, we want to learn to get control of the voices in our head. Many of us find ourselves thinking things through and talking ourselves into a bit of a state at times. Do may mull things over, weigh up options, talk yourself into something, then talk yourself back out. Maybe you look in the mirror and the chatter starts, maybe after a stressful day at work, or at a time when you are making a decision. You may notice that inner voice, or you may not, and just wonder why your mood has changed! Especially when you are going through a dilemma, you may notice increased unhelpful internal chatter. Phrases such as ‘don’t be stupid you can’t do that’ or ‘WTF did you do that for?!’ or ‘I really don’t know what to do for the best…’ pop into our heads. Maybe you’ve had some of the negatives stuff on auto-reply too … negative internal chatter can be soooooo exhausting. Our mind is a wonderful thing – it can do so much for us (run our body, control our hormones, take charge of our breathing, our heart beat, and a ton more unconsciously, as well as giving us the power of thought and reason) We still only know a small amount of what the mind does. But we do know is that if you can change the way you communicate with yourself, you can start to quieten the inner critic. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #moneyminded #insearchofjoy #selficonfidencejourney #buildwealth #financialgrowth #homesellingtips
Instagram Logo"I often see people wasting time on (a) being angry with the bank for not helping them get financial clarity (b) being angry with themselves for not making the best financial decisions and (c ) feeling defeated and depressed over their money because they think they have Yes, to have a Masters in Finance to build a #FinancialSuccess plan. Yes, bankers create financial success plans for their high net worth clients. Yes, investment advisors create plans of actions for their very wealthy clients. Yes, hedge fund managers come up with brilliant plans that create generational wealth. And so you may feel left out. You may feel worried. You may feel stressed. You may even feel like you don't want to even look at your money. But you don't need to do or feel any of this! High net worth clients do get special treatment. That's true. So do coaching clients. And so do students of the Financial Success Academy! Why??? Because I teach you the questions to ask the bankers and investment advisors. #FinancialSuccessCoaching is about getting you results and getting you the support you deserve. One of my clients was was looking at buy 12 acres of land and struggled to find the deposit. Part of the big problem wasn't actually the deposit. It was how she managed her money and the less than great customer service she received from the institutions where she saved. Plus, my client had a bonus from work that she didn't claim because her supervisor would not sign off on the disbursement. So not only did we work on her money strategy, we worked on her confidence to claim what was hers. In 3 months after our coaching programme, my client had the deposit to buy her land and money to pay an architect to draw her dream house. " #moneymindsetmakeover #financeblogger #investingforbeginners #moneymindsetmission #financialcoaching #investingsimple
Instagram Logo"I often see people wasting time on (a) being angry with the bank for not helping them get financial clarity (b) being angry with themselves for not making the best financial decisions and (c ) feeling defeated and depressed over their money because they think they have Yes, to have a Masters in Finance to build a #FinancialSuccess plan. Yes, bankers create financial success plans for their high net worth clients. Yes, investment advisors create plans of actions for their very wealthy clients. Yes, hedge fund managers come up with brilliant plans that create generational wealth. And so you may feel left out. You may feel worried. You may feel stressed. You may even feel like you don't want to even look at your money. But you don't need to do or feel any of this! High net worth clients do get special treatment. That's true. So do coaching clients. And so do students of the Financial Success Academy! Why??? Because I teach you the questions to ask the bankers and investment advisors. #FinancialSuccessCoaching is about getting you results and getting you the support you deserve. One of my clients was was looking at buy 12 acres of land and struggled to find the deposit. Part of the big problem wasn't actually the deposit. It was how she managed her money and the less than great customer service she received from the institutions where she saved. Plus, my client had a bonus from work that she didn't claim because her supervisor would not sign off on the disbursement. So not only did we work on her money strategy, we worked on her confidence to claim what was hers. In 3 months after our coaching programme, my client had the deposit to buy her land and money to pay an architect to draw her dream house. " #moneymindsetmakeover #financeblogger #investingforbeginners #moneymindsetmission #financialcoaching #investingsimple