Instagram LogoDEBT is often considered a dirty word. It’s a taboo subject often rife with struggle, secrecy and scandal. Most of us want to have happier and healthier lives and we need access to credit and debt in this modern society. Debt is how we buy a house, a car and finance the various activities of our lives. We want to find more joy and freedom and experience less tension and anxiety as it relates to our money. For many of us, our relationship with DEBT is one of the most shameful, stressful and worrisome aspects of our lives. I know it was for me. My name is Dennise Williams and in this conversation, I’m going to show you how to pay off your debt without stress, worry or anxiety. No longer are you going to be at the whim of the banks, or poor money decisions, or a bad economy — all those things that have plagued your pocketbook in the past and kept you shackled to your debt burden. As a mom with two school aged boys, I was in debt due to the therapy needed for my second son who was born with a hole in his heart and needed extensive medical care. My credit report had 62 pages that was riddled with information that I didn’t agree with. Then I realized that despite the debt I actually owed, there were errors on my credit card statements. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #7figures #empoweredliving #remotework #sidegig #createthelifeyoulove #integratedhealth
Instagram LogoDEBT is often considered a dirty word. It’s a taboo subject often rife with struggle, secrecy and scandal. Most of us want to have happier and healthier lives and we need access to credit and debt in this modern society. Debt is how we buy a house, a car and finance the various activities of our lives. We want to find more joy and freedom and experience less tension and anxiety as it relates to our money. For many of us, our relationship with DEBT is one of the most shameful, stressful and worrisome aspects of our lives. I know it was for me. My name is Dennise Williams and in this conversation, I’m going to show you how to pay off your debt without stress, worry or anxiety. No longer are you going to be at the whim of the banks, or poor money decisions, or a bad economy — all those things that have plagued your pocketbook in the past and kept you shackled to your debt burden. As a mom with two school aged boys, I was in debt due to the therapy needed for my second son who was born with a hole in his heart and needed extensive medical care. My credit report had 62 pages that was riddled with information that I didn’t agree with. Then I realized that despite the debt I actually owed, there were errors on my credit card statements. Get more expert interviews at - share, subscribe, and like our Channel. Get your FREE $100k money map at #7figures #empoweredliving #remotework #sidegig #createthelifeyoulove #integratedhealth