Mistletoe Magic

Dec 22, 2022 4:02 pm

imageSolstice Greetings!

I hope you're getting the chance to rest in the stillness at this magical time.

I am finding the most peaceful moments out on the land with my dogs. Nature is food for the soul, don't you think?

Here's a pic of Ozzy in full frosty flight last week when we had a real cold spell here in Essex.

It was - 4°C on this particular day!

In the Office

The first draft of Riches For Witches has come back from my editor...and I'm revving up for the second draft. Not too much major surgery required but I'll need to get my head down and on it after the hols if I want to publish at Ostara...broomsticks crossed for that.

In the Studio

Ian and I recorded the latest Witch Wavelength podcast episode a few days ago. We had a lot of fun...

Here it is: Mistletoe Magic

Hope you enjoy it!

That's all for now, so until next time, enjoy the magic of the season wherever you are, and I'll be in touch in the new year...

Take good care,


🌲 Treehouse Blessings 🌲

with love,


