Office Politics Ain't So Bad

Howdy hey ,I'm cooking up a new set of services. Still working on the details, but I wanted to give you wonderful readers a first look. Information is at the bottom of today's issue.Last week, I spoke to a class of graduate accounting students at Bal...

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Apr 18, 2024
The Lies Time Tells Us

Howdy hey ,If you've been watching women's college basketball at any point this year, you know the name Caitlin Clark. The all-time leading scorer in NCAA basketball history (men and women). Presumptive overall #1 pick in the WNBA Draft (which has he...

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Apr 04, 2024
The Agency Model Is (Yet Again) Dead

Howdy hey ,A shorter story today since we all know everyone's done working at noon to start watching some college basketball...Whenever the business world experiences some major shift, talking heads emerge to soothsay doom for the agency model. Why,...

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Mar 21, 2024
A 21-Year Overnight Success

Howdy hey ,I've been under the weather all this week, so it'll be a short issue today. Hope you're gearing up for a strong end to Q1 (which is in 24 days).How long does "evergreen content" last? Evergreen trees can live for over 1,000 years. And whil...

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Mar 07, 2024
Valuing Content in a Cost-Cutting Era

Howdy hey ,A gallon of gas, a cup of coffee, a dozen eggs — everything has gotten more expensive. "The economy" has raised the price of a good breakfast — and the cost of doing business.So that means the costs of producing content have followed suit,...

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Feb 22, 2024
Never Enough Time, Is There?

Howdy hey ,A staple of project management the world over, Hofstadter's Law states: “It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.”The law rears its head all over the damn place: rebuilding a website, writin...

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Feb 08, 2024
Agencies: Lead the AI conversation

Howdy hey ,Welcome back to the Content Galaxy 🌌 Which, lately, has been crashing headlong into cyberspace.If you work in content, you can't escape the generative AI conversation. The fever pitch is cresting, and everyone is scrambling to understand...

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Jan 25, 2024