Embracing Stillness in Our Storms 🍃

Mar 17, 2024 7:31 pm

Happy Sunday, ,

How are you? How was your week?

Amid the whirlwind of life's demands and the unexpected challenges, like the flood that upended our home over Thanksgiving, I've found myself yearning for a quiet escape. That deep, almost whimsical desire for a "Calgon, take me far far away..." moment has become a familiar whisper, a longing for peace amidst the chaos of to-do lists and the endless juggle of life in a rental while our home is being restored.


Understanding Overwhelm 🌀

Overwhelm, I've realized, is more than the physical clutter around us; it's the clutter within—those heavy thoughts and looming anxieties about the future. It's running a race against a relentless tide of expectations, always feeling just a breath away from being swept under.

The Power of Pause ⏸️

In my quest for serenity, I've discovered a lifeline in the simplest of acts: the power of pause. This act of intentional stillness has become my sanctuary, a space where I allow myself to breathe, to just be. I call this Zen in Ten. It's a commitment to carve out ten precious minutes each day for myself, setting a timer to step back and engage in a practice that soothes the soul. Sometimes, it's as simple as listening to SlowDive App while doing the dishes, allowing the harmony of guided calm to transform mundane moments into a meditation of sorts.

  • Mindful Moment: Join me in finding a quiet space today, to close our eyes and breathe deeply, even if just for ten minutes. Each breath is an opportunity to release the weights we carry, inviting in peace and clarity.
  • Priority Check: Let's take a moment to list down the sources of our overwhelm, assigning priorities. This exercise isn't just about organization; it's a ritual of acknowledging and accepting that not everything demands our immediate energy.
  • Seek Joy: I invite you to choose one small act of joy today. Embrace this act without reservation, as a declaration of our right to find happiness even amidst the chaos.

A Gentle Reminder 💖

Feeling overwhelmed is our body's gentle reminder that it's time to slow down and nourish our spirit. Self-care is not merely an option; it's essential to our well-being. You are deserving of the same compassion you so freely give to others.

As we step forward into the coming week, let's do so with a renewed commitment to our well-being, to embracing life one mindful moment at a time, with grace and patience.

May your day be filled with tranquility and small, joyful moments. Remember, in this journey of life, you're never alone. I'm right here with you, sharing in the stillness, celebrating our steps towards peace together.

With love and understanding,


P.S. For those who seek to deepen this practice, I warmly invite you to sign up for my Zen in Ten emails. Each day, you'll receive a meditation, journaling prompt, and an affirmation to guide your self-care journey—it's free, and you're welcome to join even if you've signed up before. Let's continue to nurture our spirits together, one day at a time. [Sign Up Here]
