How Balanced Is Your Life?

Apr 27, 2024 5:11 pm


Hello ,

Welcome to your Zen in Ten: Pathway to Peace Journey. Today marks the beginning of a transformative journey where you will start to uncover and understand the current balance of your life through the Wheel of Life exercise. This simple tool will help you identify areas where you can cultivate greater peace and satisfaction.

What to Expect Today:

  • Assessment: You'll use the Wheel of Life to visually map out your current satisfaction levels across various areas of your life. 📊
  • Reflection: You’ll engage in thoughtful reflection through journaling prompts designed to help you understand your unique challenges and define what peace means to you. ✍️
  • Goal Setting: You’ll set clear, actionable goals based on your reflections to guide your journey towards personal peace. 🎯


  1. Download Your Workbook: Please click here to download the Day 1 workbook. This contains all the exercises and information you'll need today.
  2. Set Aside Time: Dedicate at least 10 minutes today to complete the Wheel of Life exercise and respond to the journaling prompts in your workbook.
  3. Reflect and Write: Use your journal or the provided spaces in the workbook to document your thoughts and responses to the guided questions.

Journaling Prompts:

  • What areas of your life are most and least satisfying?
  • How do those areas impact your sense of peace?
  • What one change can you make this week to improve your satisfaction in one of the lower-scoring areas?

Share Your Insights:

After completing today’s activities, I encourage you to reply to this email with any insights or discoveries you’ve made. Sharing your journey not only enhances your own experience but also enriches our community’s journey and enters you to win a grand prize valued at $77 💌

Looking Ahead:

Get ready for Day 2 where we will delve into practical strategies for managing stress and cultivating daily habits that support peace. Preview tomorrow’s focus in the final section of your workbook!

Thank you for committing to this journey. Remember, the path to peace is a personal and ongoing process, and every small step you take is significant. If you have any questions or need further clarification as you work through today's materials, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Here’s to starting a meaningful journey together! 🌿

Warm regards,

Charity xo
