Happy Sunday {{contact.first_name}}

Jun 30, 2024 7:20 pm

Hello Beautiful ,

As we come to the end of another transformative month, I wanted to dedicate this week to reviewing and reflecting on all the incredible work we've done through our Soulful Sunday Subscription. This month, we've journeyed through the themes of releasing, reflecting, rewriting, and reclaiming our power. Let’s take a moment to appreciate our progress and integrate these powerful shifts.

Your Reflective Practice

I encourage you to carve out some quiet time for this review week. Perhaps light a candle, brew some tea, and sit in a comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Use the questions above to guide your journaling.

Download the Review Worksheet

I’ve prepared a review worksheet to help you integrate the lessons and insights from this month’s practices. It includes the key themes, journaling prompts, and space for your reflections.

[Click here to download the review worksheet]

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey. Your dedication to personal growth and transformation inspires me every week. Let's continue to embrace our inner power and create lives filled with joy, clarity, and purpose.

Wishing you a beautiful, reflective week.

With love and light,


P.S. Feel free to hit reply and share your reflections or any breakthroughs you've experienced this month. I'd love to hear from you! 🌸✨
