finding freedom within, a special message for {{contact.first_name}}

Jul 04, 2024 8:09 pm

Hey ,

I hope this message finds you well! 🌺

Today is a national holiday here in the States, but honestly, I'm not feeling very patriotic this year. With the upcoming election and all the turmoil in the world, it's challenging to stay positive. But let's shift our focus to something within our control—our inner world. 🌱

I truly believe in the transformative power of our choices, hearts, and lives. 🌟

Imagine if the changes we seek in the world could start from within us. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."


Whenever I feel overwhelmed or powerless, I redirect my energy into helping someone else or nurturing my own sense of inner freedom and empowerment.

Lately, I’ve found solace in playing Karen Drucker's music during my walks and even singing out loud. 🎶 I’m not a singer by any means, but infusing the world with this kind of positivity is one small act I can do for myself (and maybe others too).

"There is only love, there is only love that heals, love that sets me free."

✨ [Listen here] ✨

It may sound simplistic, but love genuinely is the answer. Love has the power to set us free, and it starts with a choice. 💖 Even though I lived in a state of peace, a war raged within my mind and body. I had the capability to create anything I wanted, yet I found myself imprisoned by my own “shoulds,” “have-tos,” and “right ways.”

It has taken years of therapy, coaching, women's circles, and so much more to unravel old habits, form new beliefs, and reclaim my freedom. 🌼 I needed to achieve my own independence. This journey still demands persistent effort, dedication, coaching, healing, support, and an abundance of self-love and acceptance.

Today, as you reflect on your life's blessings and the freedoms you enjoy, consider making an inner declaration of independence. What do you want to liberate yourself from?

Maybe it's freedom from self-criticism for past mistakes, body shame, feelings of inadequacy, competing with others, or remaining small and silent. 🌸

What if you could discover greater freedom in your body, intuition, mind, and voice?

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” — Viktor E. Frankl, *Man’s Search for Meaning*

Even if you’re unsure how complete freedom will manifest, you can begin today by declaring it. Close your eyes for 30 seconds, breathe in and open your heart 💗, then complete this sentence:

Today I declare my independence from___________________.

Change requires time and courage. It involves take unlearning old conditioning, practicing compassion and acceptance, and rewiring our thoughts to foster new actions and emotions. But it all begins with a declaration. 🌟

I’d love to hear your declaration. Hit reply and let me know. Here’s to the courage to make it so.



P.S. I would love to support you in The Soulful Sunday Subscription. This month, we are going to be declaring our freedom from self-judgment and criticism. Join now for $7 a month (cancel anytime)
