Start Your Week with Intention

Mar 31, 2024 10:54 pm

Hello ,

As we stand on the threshold of a new week, I’m reaching out with warmth and a gentle nudge of encouragement. How have you been? Reflecting on your journey through the past week, amidst the ebb and flow of life's demands and surprises, I want to remind you: You are equipped to handle whatever this week may unfold.


Set Your Intention for the Week:

Setting intentions is more than crafting a to-do list; it's about aligning our hearts and minds with our deepest values and aspirations. Like planting seeds in a garden, the intentions we set today are the blooms we hope to see tomorrow. Yet, as we’ve all experienced, sometimes life decides to water our garden with a storm rather than a gentle rain.

🌳 The Lesson of Flexibility:

This brings us to a vital lesson—the power of flexibility. Imagine a tree during a storm: the ones that survive are not the ones that stand rigid, but those that bend with the wind. Similarly, when we hold our plans lightly, allowing room for adjustment and change, we navigate life’s unpredictability not just with resilience, but with grace.

Mindful Moment: Let's start this week by setting an intention for ourselves. It could be as simple as "I intend to find joy in small moments" or "I will be kind to myself and others." Let this intention be your guiding light, flexible enough to adapt to life’s surprises.

Flexibility in Action: At some point this week, something may not go as planned—this is not a matter of if, but when. When it happens, I invite you to pause and take a deep breath. Remind yourself of your intention and ask, “How can I adapt to this moment?” This is not about giving up on our plans but about finding a new path forward.

Seek Joy: Despite the week's unpredictability, make it a priority to choose one act of joy that aligns with your intention. Whether it’s a five-minute dance break, a walk outside, or enjoying a cup of tea, let this act be a testament to your ability to create joy, regardless of circumstances.

💖 A Heartfelt Reminder:

Feeling overwhelmed or frustrated when things don’t go as planned is natural, but it’s also a sign to check in with ourselves. It's an opportunity to practice self-compassion and remember that being flexible doesn’t mean being weak; it means being strong and wise enough to navigate through life’s changes.

As we embark on this week, let’s do so with hearts full of intention, open to the twists and turns of our paths, knowing that each step, whether planned or unexpected, is part of our journey’s beauty.

May your week be filled with strength, adaptability, and countless moments of joy. Remember, you’re capable of handling whatever comes your way, with a spirit as flexible and enduring as the wind.

With love,


P.S. if you haven't signed up for my (free) Zen in Ten 5 Day Journey to Inner Calm, you can do that by clicking here.
