we're all in this together..

Nov 22, 2023 9:13 pm

Hey there!

I hope this message finds you in high spirits and ready for the Thanksgiving festivities! 🦃✨ As I write this, I'm soaking in the beauty of Northern California at my in-laws' place – it's truly breathtaking.

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I can't contain my excitement about gathering with all my siblings at one of my brother's houses. Brace yourself – it's going to be a lively, laughter-filled affair with my four younger brothers. When we all get together, the decibel level rises, and so does the fun! 😄

Speaking of fun, I stumbled upon a quote this morning that perfectly captures the essence of family gatherings: "If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family." 🤣🤣🤣 Isn't that the truth?

In the spirit of embracing the upcoming chaos with a grin as we venture into the holiday season, I've got some survival tips and a sprinkle of humor inspired by the timeless classic, Christmas Vacation:


Embrace the Jelly of the Month Club Moments: Just like Clark Griswold embracing his Jelly of the Month Club subscription, let's embrace those unexpected, quirky family moments. They might just be the most memorable.

Expect the Unexpected, Like Squirrel-in-the-Christmas-Tree Unexpected: Life is full of surprises, much like that squirrel that leaped out of the Griswold family Christmas tree. Expect the unexpected and roll with the tinsel.

Practice Cousin Eddie-Level Gratitude: Remember Cousin Eddie's infectious joy over his "tenement on wheels"? Channel that gratitude when facing the less-than-ideal moments. You might find joy in unexpected places.

Survive the "Sap" with Some Classic Griswold Humor: When things get a bit too "sap"-py, cue the Griswold humor. A well-timed joke or a goofy smile can turn even the stickiest situations into a laugh.

Gift-Wrapping Skills: Clark Griswold vs. Reality: If your gift-wrapping skills are more Clark Griswold than Martha Stewart, fear not! Remember, it's the thought that counts—even if your presents look like they survived a sleigh ride.

This holiday season, let's not take ourselves too seriously, find humor in the quirks, and create memories that even the Griswolds would envy.

May your holidays be as entertaining as a Christmas Vacation marathon!

Sending you laughs, love, and a little extra holiday cheer,

Charity xoxo

P.S. The Unstoppable You Monthly Subscription is open for enrollment at the introductory price of $5 a month. Join me for a journey of self-discovery and growth. 🌟 Join here
