#105 – Is your life a perfectly-written screenplay?
Oct 19, 2024 5:01 am
#105 – Is Your Life a Perfectly-Written Screenplay?
So many times we're frustrated with life. We don't like the cards we're dealt, and we huff and puff, wishing for a new hand.
But what if the life we have is exactly the life we need?
I know—it’s a hard pill to swallow. When we lose people we love, face life-threatening illness, or go bankrupt, it just feels unfair.
This week, something extremely difficult happened to my family and me.
The first few hours felt catastrophic. My muscles were lifeless, and even swallowing seemed like an uphill battle.
But little by little, testing the limits of my own "wisdom," I began to shift. I started embracing an idea I’ve rejected so many times: Everything happens for a reason.
I didn’t just think it; I felt it deep down in my bones. This had to happen for a reason. Otherwise, it makes no sense at all.
When on Wednesday I finally spoke with my son, the main character in this family tragedy, I was stunned by his words: “This was necessary because I needed to learn something.”
“What did you need to learn?” I asked.
“To make better choices,” he replied. He went on, “I've been shown signs my whole life, and I’ve ignored them. It’s like the universe put me in a situation I couldn’t ignore so that I’d finally learn this lesson.”
Even though what we’re going through was unimaginable just a week ago, I’m grateful for my perfectly-written life.
What’s something hard you need to be grateful for?