How will you recognize your True Voice?
Feb 06, 2025 5:51 am
#214 – How will you recognize your True Voice?
You've had this experience: a constant stream of commentary coming from inside your head about your every move. And you've probably believed some – or plenty – of it.
Well, don't. Don't believe everything you think because most of it doesn't come from you – it comes from your Ghosts.
How can you tell which is which, you're asking?
Okay vs Ugh!, Argh! or Eek!
Stripped from its layers of self-defense, your True Self knows it doesn't need protection. It (You) can accept any- and everything, even when it's not what it (You) wanted.
But the layers of self-defense, the quote-unquote self-appointed protective mechanisms which I call Ghosts, distorted your perception of life.
They tricked you into believing that when you feel disgusted, frustrated, irritated, exasperated, aggressive, hateful, anxious, nervous, fearful, distrusting, or freaked-out, you're be better off.
So, whenever you clench your fists, you're hopping onto their Ugh!, Argh!, or Eek! wagon, leaving your True Self, in its okay state behind.
How can you hop off, you're asking?
Just do it. Open your hands and let go of the Ugh!, Argh!, or Eek! feeling. Return to okay without judgment.
Forgive yourself for the momentary ride aboard the Ghosts' wagon – it's okay – and open your heart to the experience in front of you.
How will you extend your okayness to all areas of your life?