Can we have hope without fear?

Dec 19, 2024 8:01 am

#166 – Can we have hope without fear?

When we hope something will happen it's because, at the same time, we fear something else (contrary, or different) can happen.

And if we fear something can happen it's because we don't want it to happen. But what control do we have on life? None. So why bother hoping anyway, if life will be what will be?

Instead, following Pema Chödrön's teachings, we can abandon hope and with that take a step to accepting life as it comes.

What do you stand to gain when you abandon hope and just handle the present, moment by moment?

You become free. Free of attachment to a desirable outcome, and free from fear of an undesirable one.

You become the bed of the river, allowing the water, with its currents and undercurrents, turbulences and holes, to flow through you.

What hope/fear will you abandon now to become free in your present?



PS: You can now read the first 91 essays in this series in my book, Unfolding Your Mind: Notes on Ghosts, Power, and the Self. If you’d like to buy it for you or someone else, you can get it on Kindle or paperback here. Thank you!
