#61 – Who would I be without that thought?

Sep 06, 2024 11:31 am

#61 – Who would you be without that thought?

Back in 2019, a coach asked me this question when I told her, "My boss doesn't trust me."

I was so attached to that thought being true, that I couldn't imagine not holding it in my mind.

She then led me through a quick version of Byron Katie's The Work, a transformative process that helps us question how we interpret our life and relationships.

My coach asked me to think about the thought, "My boss doesn't trust me." Then she asked me the following four questions:

Q1 – Is it true? I said I didn't know for sure but I thought most likely yes.

Q2 – Can you absolutely know that it's true? Well, no, because I can't read minds.

Q3 – How do you react, what happens when you believe that thought? I become vigilant, too scared to make a mistake. I'm not myself when I talk to him and I "overdo it" because I need to prove I'm trustworthy.

Q4 – Who would you be without that thought? I'd be free, relaxed, alive. I'd speak like myself, behave like myself, and think fast on my feet. I'd joke about things and ask him all the questions I wanted to know the answers to.

It felt like a 300-pound weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Given that your thoughts shape how you experience life, and that the meaning you assign to what you see has the ability to disrupt your peace of mind, choosing not to hold a thought is a powerful way to regain your equanimity.

So, my question for you today is:

What would be available to you if you were deliberate and intentional in the thoughts you chose to think?


