#26–My Ghost of Clinging to Useless Possessions strikes back

Aug 02, 2024 5:00 am

#26–My Ghost of Clinging to Useless Possessions strikes back

Liking clinging to an old habit, I was, once again, hooked on "needing to know." And because I didn't know, I felt lost.

I was commenting on a social media post in which someone declared her goal of making $90K in 90 days. My first instinct had been to write, "I'd also like to set that goal for myself, but I wouldn't know how to do it."

If I don't know, I feel lost. And when I feel lost, I feel powerless and scared.

Thankfully, I caught the Ghost in me. I looked it in the eye and said, "I see you," and erased my comment before I clicked "send."

In this talk, Tara Brach reads the poem, "Lost," by David Wagoner. In it, the poet tells us to stand still when we feel lost, and allow the forest to guide us.

Because, the poem says,

"(...). The forest knows

Where you are. You must let it find you."

So, really, knowing or not knowing are just illusions. Useless illusions.

What happens to you when you feel "lost?"



PS: Would you like me to speak at your event? Set a time to chat here.
