#35–Permission to feel

Aug 11, 2024 5:00 am

#35–Permission to feel

A couple of weeks ago, listening to this flamenco song by Camarón de la Isla, I was surprised to feel a wave of strong emotion. Despite being on a bus full of locals and tourists, I started to sob (noticeably).

I wasn't embarrassed to be sobbing in front of so many people.

Instead, the internal shame (misplaced, thank you very much, Mr. Ghost of Misplaced Shame) I felt, came from the fact that I would cry over a song that speaks about my country.

It speaks about the Bay of Cadiz, a region in Spain that I know well. I pictured the landscapes on a summer evening, the sun setting over the marsh, a cloudless sky painted pink, and the reeds swaying in silence.

Feeling sensitive about that, a landscape in my country, ashamed me.

Was I homesick? Was that it? How touchy, I thought. It has to be something else because I don't have any patriotic feelings, I protested inside.

Responding to the question I asked in this post about self-discipline, my friend Kristin Dainis wrote a sentence that pierce through my heart: "how I feel matters."

Thank you, Kristin.

Today, I say to the GoMS: how I feel matters. And I don't need to prove anything to it––not that I'm tough, or stoic, or that I can "self-manage" (code for repress).

Today, and going forward, I give myself permission to feel all the feelings.

What feelings have you allowed yourself to feel that have helped you reclaim your personal power?



PS: if you'd like to talk more about how money ghosts hold us back, click here to set up a 15-minute chat. I'm not offering coaching programs at this time, but I could speak at your event, write a guest article on your magazine/blog, or be a guest on your podcast.
