#113 – And when you don't occupy your Personal Power?
Oct 27, 2024 4:16 am
#113 – And when you don't occupy your Personal Power?
Personal Power is intrinsic to all human beings. But some of us relinquish it at times because powerlessness feels easier. Or safer. Or at least more familiar.
You don't get into trouble when you put your head down and 'yessir' your way through life. But are you being true to yourself?
No. You're obeying your Ego's orders: stay put, don't rock the boat, be in and demand control, prove yourself.
My son got himself into big trouble for occupying his personal power.
He dared to question someone with enormous rank and privilege, yet seemingly little personal power. Someone who demands to be in control and that others prove themselves and don't rock the boat.
Would I ask him to put his head down and 'yessir' his way through life?
No. Command himself better and not listen to his own fear-based thoughts? Yes.
Acquiesce to someone with positional power just because they have rank and privilege? Never.
When have you been able to stay in your power despite someone with rank over you trying to coerce you?