#74 – How would infinite patience change your life?

Sep 18, 2024 7:05 am

#74 – How Would Infinite Patience Change Your Life?

I used to think that setting deadlines for my intentions and wishes was the key to making them a reality. I believed that if I wanted something, like a million dollars, the message wouldn't be "heard" unless I specified the date by which I wanted the money in my bank account.

Needless to say, I faced disappointment after disappointment—and the million dollars never materialized. Yet.

While I'm partly joking, it's worth asking, how often do we get impatient with life? And for what, other than frustration and unnecessary anxiety?

So, what is patience? And how can it help you enhance your life experience, be more effective in your relationships, and have a greater impact in your world?

When I worked as a speech and language therapist, one of the first tasks I had for preschoolers was to teach them to stay still. We started with three seconds and gradually increased the time. It was a significant challenge for some, but I knew that stillness is the foundation of learning and growth.

If “peace is this moment without judgment,” as poet Dorothy Hunt put it, patience seems to be the quality of being that can get us there.

Patience is presence.

Patience is being in the “here and now” with all your senses, knowing that there’s nowhere else you’re supposed to be.

Patience is focus and acceptance of what is.

When you’re patient, you accept time as it comes. You’re here now, understanding that “here” and “now” are fleeting in nature.

Patience gives you the agility to seize every moment. It’s the opposite of stalling.

It makes you present so you know when it’s the right time to take action.

What areas of your life could open up to possibility and growth if you had more patience?


