#73 – What do you do with obstacles?

Sep 17, 2024 6:30 am

#73 – What do you do with obstacles?

Obstacles are challenging. Sometimes frustrating. Always inconvenient.

But how you respond to them will make the difference between ultimate success and failure.

Until not too long ago, I viewed obstacles as though I was their victim.

That's what I experienced last October, when a potential deal that could have set me up for a great year in business fell through.

The way I saw it, a misfortune had fallen upon me. Seeing it as an irreparable catastrophe, I went into a hands-to-my-temples, what am I gonna do now? mode.

I insisted on "righting the wrong" I felt I'd been subjected to. I told everyone about what had happened to me – and while I extracted some business lessons, I never left the victim's shoes.

Today, I know an obstacle is just one more step in my hero's journey.

I'm here on this life to accomplish something, and I'm simply on the path to find it.

An obstacle is an invaluable piece of data telling me either that (a) I need to grow or (b) I may have veered off my true path.

So, what information did the obstacle have for me?

  1. Don't give away your power or allow others to make your decisions for you.
  2. Never mute your energy.
  3. If your gut says, "run," run.
  4. Twisting yourself like a pretzel so that others validate you is never the path.

What are obstacles for you: a reason to quit or a reason to grow?


