#94 – Who wants you to feel guilty?

Oct 08, 2024 6:45 am

#94 – Who wants you to feel guilty?

Anthropologists argue that guilt serves a social purpose by encouraging individuals to follow a culture's implicit rules.

But what are its consequences on an individual level?

Like other systems humans have created to benefit society, guilt comes with a high personal cost.

Take modern agriculture, for example. While providing food security for large populations, its over-reliance on processed, low-nutrient foods and the sedentary lifestyles it fosters have harmful effects on individual health.

Similarly, guilt doesn't help you. It doesn’t make you a happier, more empathetic, or more generous human being. It only makes you a guilt-ridden one.

If you feel guilty, it's because your Ghost of Misplaced Guilt is teasing you from inside your brain, with one single mission: to prevent you from getting kicked out from the tribe.

Anytime you dare to act too independent, be too different, or voice a contrarian opinion, it nudges you, shaking its head, its lips pursed and clucking its tongue. Like my abuela slapping your wrist and lovingly exclaiming, "¡ladronzuela!" [you little thief!] when you tried to smuggle a croqueta before dinner.

Sure, calling your granddaughter 'little thief' may not sound loving, but even abuelas believe guilt builds character.

If guilt doesn’t elevate your consciousness, make you happier, or help you serve others, why hold onto it? And what’s the alternative?

So, why feel guilty for being yourself, telling your truth, and making your choices?


