#5––Time indifference

Jul 12, 2024 7:00 am

#5––Time indifference

We, compulsive underearners have a strange relationship with time. It's almost like we don't believe in it. Or we don't believe that it passes, at least for us.

When we think about the future, we believe anything is possible: I'll be rich, I'll run the NYC marathon, I'll do yoga every day, I'll write my book.

But on a daily basis, we don't take action. Because we think we still have time.

So, when the future materializes into the present day, we get disappointed because our dreams didn't come true.

Then, we swing in the opposite direction. We become obsessed with maximizing the day: every minute counts, no time to spare, chop-chop!

We time-block our days to the second: 45 minutes to train; 12 minutes to shower and get dressed; 27 minutes for breakfast; 2 hours to write...

But when we see all the tasks we scheduled, and we remember all the others that we forgot to schedule, we throw our hands up in the air because, "there's not enough time!"

And so we revert to, "I'll never be rich!" "There's no way I'll run the NYC marathon!" "I'll never be flexible enough for yoga!" "I'll never write my book!"

The solution is simple: focus on the here and now. Simple but difficult.

How's your relationship with time?


