#11–What my father said

Jul 18, 2024 4:15 am

#11–What my father said

One of the readers of this email series, a well-known and highly influential author, is urging me to try to make money off of my writing.

She asked me to explore my internal blocks: why do I assume that it's impossible to create wealth as a writer?

So, I sat in silence and allowed all the thoughts and beliefs about writing to come to the surface.

What I found was:

  • the writing world is very competitive
  • I'm not even a native speaker of English!
  • nobody makes abundant money by writing
  • only a few can make money writing books
  • writers aren't wealthy
  • my father said I couldn't be a writer because I don't know enough stuff

Mic drop, my brain said.

What else do you need to explore? Your father said that in order to be a writer you'd need to know a lot of stuff, and you obviously don't (you're only 13)!

So, that's it. That's the message engraved in my brain cortex that I need erasing if I want to move forward.

What message do you need erasing?


