#46 – Your toughest opponent in your sales negotiations?

Aug 22, 2024 7:25 am

#46 – Your toughest opponent in your sales negotiations?

It's you.

And it has to stop, if you ever want to stop underearning for good.

Here are a few questions to help you determine whether you negotiate against yourself when trying to close a deal.

  1. Do you feel bad for the client if the price seems too high to you?
  2. Do you scramble to get your prospect the best deal, even if it means giving up some of your commission?
  3. Do you toss in everything and the kitchen sink because you feel your potential client won’t be satisfied otherwise—even if they haven’t said anything?
  4. Do your hands shake and your heart race when you press 'send' on the email with your prices, and then fear the moment when the response will come?
  5. Do you look away when stating your rate to the prospect?
  6. Do you continue to talk after you've stated the price, not allowing the prospect time to think?
  7. Do you ever say, "But if it's too expensive...?"

Now, I'm not suggesting that you become a cold-hearted, self-interested sales person.

What I'm saying is that we don't always know our prospects' situation, fears, and desires. We might think something is 'too expensive,' but the client might be completely fine with it—and even proud to pay that sum.

So, please, if you are, stop negotiating against yourself.

Which questions did you answered yes to?


