#110 – Do you notice your minute attack thoughts?

Oct 24, 2024 10:44 am

#110 – Do you notice your minute attack thoughts?

Attack thoughts are harmful to the thinker. In fact, the target of our disdain or judgment feels nothing; they aren't changed just because we send them an attack thought.

But we are. We become bitter, vengeful, intolerant. And we withhold forgiveness.

I noticed that yesterday, when I became aware of a very slight disparaging thought about a certain person's gait that crossed my mind.

Turning my awareness to my mind, I realized I was judging everything and everyone in this very subtle manner, barely perceptible. About things that didn't seem to matter much.

Well, everything matters. Even the minutest attack thought is a thought of separation and is based on fear. These thoughts, even when they're barely formed and noticeable, chip away at our inner peace. We don't realize it, but they create an undercurrent of dissatisfaction and unease in us.

But if forgiveness is the solution, these thoughts are what's blocking it for me – what about you?

My goal for today is to become exquisitely aware of any thought that crosses my mind that is a mental attack on someone, a circumstance, or myself.

What will change once you become aware of your minute attack thoughts and release them?


