#37–When has your fear become pain in your body?

Aug 13, 2024 11:50 am

#37–When has your fear become pain in your body?

Have you ever felt a fear so intense that you became physically ill?

Shortly after incorporating my business in Spain, I was referred to the Head of HR & Talent Development at the largest Spanish insurer.

I was a voice teacher and therapist back then. Call centers hired me to train their staff because when agents had healthy, resilient voices, companies had to pay fewer sick days and leaves of absence.

That meeting was a big deal. A productive conversation could mean thousands of euros for my business. But I'd heard this woman was skeptical about spending money in voice training.

The night before, I noticed a tickle in my throat. Hm. I took a bath, hoping the steam would hydrate my pharynx and take away the tickle. In the bath, I did some vocal exercises. Afterwards, I gargled with warm lemon water, massaged my neck, relaxed my tongue.

Now the tickle had become a ball. As my body cooled down after the bath, the ball became a burning sensation in the back of my pharynx. I could barely open my mouth, it was so tight.

I finally dared to look in the mirror: the back of my throat was red, swollen, and there were white patches everywhere. The mere thought of speaking was painful.

Obviously, I had to cancel the meeting, my only shot at getting face-to-face with this very busy and powerful woman.

The Ghost of Physical Ailments protected me from having too big a success with my business.

When has your body followed your Ego's orders and made you stay small?



PS: If you'd like to talk more about how money ghosts hold us back, click here to set up a 15-minute chat. I'm not offering coaching programs at this time, but I could speak at your event, write a guest article on your magazine/blog, or be a guest on your podcast.
