#48 – What do you stand to lose if you don't stand up for yourself?

Aug 24, 2024 6:20 am

#48 – What do you stand to lose if you don't stand up for yourself?

Leo Lukenas, 25, died on May 2after working more than 100 hours a week for months as an Investment Banking Associate at Bank of America.

He couldn’t say no to his boss—he feared losing his job. Even if he could, his boss couldn’t say no to their boss. Nor could the boss's boss say no to the client.

Because if someone did, they might lose the deal.

Instead, Leo Lukenas, the lowest-ranking person in this tragic chain, lost his life.

When no one dares to say 'no' to the person one level above them, those at the top accumulate all the power. And the accumulation of power* has only one outcome: abusive behavior.

Those who stand to lose the most are always at the bottom.

So, please, stand up for yourself and for those below you. That’s how you’ll make the world a better, happier, and fairer place.

When have you found that standing up for yourself or for someone with less power was absolutely worth it, despite the fear or uncertainty you felt at first?



*In my work as a leadership and organizational coach, I have coached teams and leaders to share power, as this is a prerequisite for relational intelligence and maturity. Creating workplace dynamics where every voice is heard is imperative for fostering a healthy and sustainable work environment.
