#51 – And what about feelings?

Aug 27, 2024 10:55 am

#51 – And what about feelings?

You know that passive-aggressive person in your life, who pouts and sulks whenever they can't have it their way, so that you'll feel bad and let them have it their way?

That's a little how the Ghost of Idea Deflection works inside you.

It happened to me yesterday.

I was tidying up my apartment after a sales meeting in which I'd agreed to start calling people on a list (our pipeline). As I was fluffing a pillow, I noticed a sadness inside.

I questioned the sadness – What are you and why are you here?

A voice in my head then said, "You're going to have to give up this too. Calling people on a list is too difficult for you."

Ah! I thought, I know who you are, because I instantly recognized the GoID. I was coming closer to wealth, so it kicked into action.

I dropped the pillow (un-fluffed) and went to the list to call the first person.

When has questioning your feelings helped you move forward?


