How are you resisting life by "trusting?"

Feb 18, 2025 5:31 am

#226 – How are you resisting life by "trusting?"

I used to believe that the ultimate act of surrender was total trust –– like riding the roller coaster hands off. But that's not accurate.

Like hope, trust has a hidden agenda: a specific outcome that you want so that you can be okay.

Back in 2016, I researched how trust influenced gender representation in business leadership. I defined trust as

"Trust is the risk we take when we allow someone to take care of something precious for us, without the certainty that they'll deliver on their promise."

So, when I recently decided to "trust" life, allowing it to unfold and letting go of my expectations, I thought I was surrendering.

But on Friday, while discussing Michael Singer's book, The Surrender Experiment, my son said, "Actually, no: trust is a form of resistance. When you surrender you accept anything and everything that comes, even if it's not what you want. So, radical acceptance."

He said that reading the book in jail had put him at peace about his situation. Now that he understands surrender, he accepts that whatever needs to happen will happen and he'll roll with it.

And if he's able to accept whatever comes without the guardrails of "trusting that everything's gonna be okay," so am I.

What guardrails are you ready to put down?


